Weightlifting belts are one of the most popular gym accessories. This is for good reason, they offer huge benefits for your lifts. Generally speaking, people see a 5 - 15% increase to their numbers after using a belt!!
But when should I get one? A really common question, and some people have different benchmarks. But, It’s not about when your 1 rep max squat is 1.5 times your bodyweight, or when you can deadlift 100kg, these are just arbitrary standards.
Deciding when you should buy a belt is a complete personal choice, but we put together a checklist that you generally should tick off to know if you're ready or not! Let’s jump into it:
Who should wear a belt?
You have Squats, Deadlifts or Bench in your routine
Yes, you can absolutely wear a weightlifting belt for a number of different exercises, but the bread and butter of the belt? The squat, deadlift and bench. You’ll see the most benefit with these lifts.
Get comfortable with your form
Before buying a belt, you should have your form for your lifts down! Your form and technique should remain consistent with every rep and set. This allows you to add more weight to your lifts without injuring your body.
You’re comfortable bracing without a belt with your lifts
Activating your core for your lifts is key for all your workouts and movements. It allows for spinal stabilization, which means you’re putting less stress on your spine. Get comfortable bracing without a belt. If you tick off number 2, you should tick off this one too!
Yep, that’s it! We are a believer that a weightlifting belt can benefit most people and will add numbers to their lifts!
Who shouldn't wear a belt?
There are specific medical conditions in which wearing a belt could be made worse. This is due to the increase in blood pressure and intra-abdominal pressure that the belt induces. This spike isn’t a problem for most people but if you have:
Blood pressure problems or issues exacerbated by blood pressure elevations
or - If you have issues exacerbated by spikes in intra-abdominal pressure (like hernia)
Please consult with a medical professional first.
Once you have all these 3 things tick off, you're generally ready for a weightlifting belt. And now it’s time to watch your numbers fly! Mentioned before, people see a whopping 5 - 15% increase to their numbers.